Saturday, January 19, 2008


The picture that is at the bottom by itself I took looking outside my bathroom window the picture looks a little leerie but it is pretty. I so much enjoyed playing in the snow with Levi and Addi, the excitement on their faces was worth my hands freezing off and my nose running. Kim made us some snow cream and it was great I have pictures of Levi eating the icecream and he has the bowl up to his face and you can't see him it is really funny I will post those later. Addi is at my house now and she is up there with Zac Jazz Alex playing Monoply she has no clue but she is hangin in there with the big dogs. My cat Boots had to have some surgery on his leg and is staying inside for now until we get his staples out and addi is scared to death of him she said his leg looks scary and it really does so we have to walk her around the house if boots is near her it is so funny. Today is such a great day the snow didn't last long but the memories will last a lifetime I am like Addi this is the best day ever. I love you all and thank God I have such a wonderful family like you. Love you all Mary

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