Monday, April 27, 2009

Alex went to Freed this weekend

When Alex got home and we were talking he said it was weird going to Wal-mart and not having to tell anyone, and I got to thinking about that and decided that would have to be strange because all of your life you have had to tell us where you were at and when you were leaving to come home and now you have no one to answer to. I was worried to death about him but I will say I did make it ok while he was gone. This will be a tough transition for me, letting go and it is not an easy thing to do for me.

I am very proud of him and want him to have a great time while oft to college. And that is what we have children for to raise them and send them off to college and hope the best for them. Alex will be a strong christian leader and will lead lots of others to Christ.

I will have the most adjusting to do.
A. I will have to get use to Alex not being at home at night in his bed, because I like my children being in their own beds at night.
B. I like knowing where they are and when they arrive and when they leave. O.K. yall this is not going overboard.
C. I like seeing Alex everyday!!!!!
D. I can't believe Alex said he was only coming home once a month.lololol
E. Saddened to know I can clean and paint his room when he leaves. NO MORE AUBURN ROOM!!
F. Jasmine has claimed his room closet, she says she needs more room yea right.

guess I will go for now Have a great week. Mary

2 friendly comments:

Alex said...

People, just to let you all know, she is not really going to re-paint my room! I won't come home at all if she does!!! lol Just kidding (kinda)

Anonymous said...

I still remember Alex leading singing at different functions and him being so enthusiastic. I always thought he was the cutest thing ever. When did he grow up?!?!?!?!