Friday, April 3, 2009

Alex's 18th Birthday

I will have to first start off by saying how proud of Alex I am. He is a joy to have as a son and he can just about always make me laugh. It is so hard to believe how fast time flies by it just seems like yesterday that I was thinking "Man Alex has a long way to go till he turns 13, 16 and now he is 18 years old, you parents please take and enjoy each day because before you know it your child will be graduating,and off to college. I am not going to take Alex leaving to colleg easy, it makes me so sad to think that I am not going to see him everyday, to think Alex is not going to be in his own bed at night. My children have always been at home at night, those of you who have been through this may can help me adjust because I am not adjusting very easy.

I am proud that Alex want to go to Freed and his mission is to become a minister. From watching Alex through the years he will make the best preacher because he really cares and feels from the heart everything he says, he really wants to help people learn how to become a Christian and live a great wonderful life in the Lord. When Alex and us went to Ragland and I watched him get up there and teach the class, and lead singing and do the preaching it brought tears to my eyes because I realized that my son is a dedicated man of God and this is what he is best at, and he wants to lead people to God, and nothing will stop him.

Oh and I want you all to know Alex needs a job keep your eyes and ears open. Tennis is almost over and he will definitely need to work for the summer. He don't think so though but reality is time to grow up and start working. hahahahaa

All I want to say is I Love You Alex and I will always be here for you. Love Mom!!!

3 friendly comments:

Anonymous said...

You're right, Alex will make an excellent minister. HAPPY B'DAY ALEX!

The Wilson Family said...

How sweet! I can't believe that either one of them are as old as they are..... You are a great Mom! and a True Inspirations to me!


The Wilson Family said...

Check out our blog. I have given you an award.
