Friday, December 14, 2007

hello everyone

Hello everyone today is finally Friday. I didn't think it was ever going to get here. The kids are wild and it is only going to get worse with us getting out Friday for Christmas holidays. Speaking of Christmas I am not near finished with my shopping, I am jealous of all of you who have finished your shopping, we have bought a few things but not much. I read all of your blogs about how yall only have one gift to buy and it sort of makes me sick.
I haven't even finished putting up our Christmas stuff. We have a tree in the box upstairs and the ornaments also in a box, I know Emily Sanders you are a fanatic about Christmas and you would be crazy if you had your ornaments in a box still, I was talking to Pam and she said she still hasn't finished decorating yet, that you would have a fit. So don't come to my house yet I guarantee you it will all be up before Christmas.
I haven't been feeling to well lately I went to the Doctor Wednesday and he said if I wasn't any better by next Thursday he would put me in the hospital well I am not going to go into the hospital because I know I will feel better soon, my stomach has been sick and I still can't keep any food down I am taking Zantac for it and it does seem to help some but it doesn't seem to correct the problem, so we will see how things go.
Jasmine is so excited about keeping the baby on Wednesdays Pam wanted her to keep him three days a week but we are having to check on her college right now and we aren't sure about the time frame. I want her to start in January for a few classes but we will see. Guess I will be going for now and will blog sometime on Sunday or Saturday if something new and exciting happens. Love Mary

3 friendly comments:

Emily said...

I actually just got the ornaments on my second tree last night and it has been up, naked, since Sunday. I pray you feel better soon! If you need anything, I'm here, seriously! Love you!

Alissa and Brody Silly Nanna said...

Hi Mary I hope you start to feel better I know it has to be tough. I have hy tree all together and the outside is also got the light's up. Tell Jazz I said good luck in school again. I bet that baby is so so cute. Well take care and May God Bless.

Katie said...

If you need any help shopping, decorating, cooking, etc just call me. Hannah & I are always looking for ways to shop and to get out of the house. It would be even better spending someone else's money! LOL! Seriously let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Praying for you all the time! Love you!