Hey look at Mandi and Hannah Mandi helped take care of the little ones in the nursery she is great. The BTS was great it was such a uplifting trip. Oh the food was great to. Levi was the best little man ever. As you see Mandi is the best with children and she will make a great mother one day Oh I can't leave out Daniel making a great father one day.
This is fun, I am so proud of our youth they learned so much and love being with each other. Just look at cheesy Alex.
Now he got a lot out of the speaker. Really he did not sleep the whole time. Just most of it. We kept trying to poke him but he was to far gone by this point.
Of course I had to get everyone by the sign with the shirts that Glencoe gave out to everyone.
This is the handsome fellows of Sylvan Springs Church of Christ. Guys will be guys to get them to pose was a job, they complained "it is so hot hurry" you just don't tell a photographer to hurry. just kidding.
I know everyone thinks ok what is with the sign well those of you who do "SCRAPBOOK" understand these pictures. Hey Tina I will try and make you a CD. I took some with Syd. camera but not much. Keeping the youth involved with other churches not only is uplifting spiritually but they meet lasting friendships. I just noticed Glencoe doesn't have their name on their sign what's up?
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Glencoe Back To School Rally
Posted by mary at 7:34 PM 5 friendly comments
Youth Devo Pic.
Here is just a sample of the night of our devo. We are all in our den and singing. As you can see Levi is the sweetest little man ever. We counted 39 people at our house. It was great.
Look what a g reat first time mom they are both the happiest ever. I am so proud of Katie and Josh. Hannah is the funniest child ever. Thank goodness she loves her picture being made, because when I wear everyone else out with pictures I can always go to Hannah. She will smile at every picture you take of her.
We were all shooting the breeze before we had our devo. We had just ate and boy was the food great, for some reason the tocas tasted better than ever. Look at Jarod see he is a problem getting his picture made so I went straight to Hannah bug. There will be more pictures to come. Thanks to everyone who participated especially Paul our speaker and Alex who lead the songs.
Posted by mary at 7:05 AM 2 friendly comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Youth Devo Night.
Sorry everyone that I haven't posted but I have been busy here lately. I am looking forward to all of you coming to my house tonight, anytime we have a gathering at our house it is a special moment I love being with all of you and so does my family. Here is the way my day has been so far. I think I burned my stove up just the front eye I hope, I guess I was cooking to much Hamburger meat for the tocas. I went to Parrish this morning to get the meat because Sons grocery store had the beef on sale. My friend James Kitchen is the butcher there and he is my personal shopper, he will call me whenever they have a big sale. Today I got 10 family packs of ground beef and 20 boneless breast of chicken for 45.00 wow what a buy. I love having a personal shopper. I picked up the meat and headed to the shop to get Billys mom and she was ready to go to the nursing home so out we go, I take her to Sonic and then to the Nursing Home. Pawpaw seemed to be doing great, he told mawmaw how pretty she looked and that her hair looked good and he liked her shirt, that was just today tomorrow can be a completely different story. So I finally get home and start cutting tomatoes, and cooking meat, yes everyone I finished cooking all the meat and it will be ready when yall get here. I still got the onions to go so if my mascara is running down my face when yall get here just understand lol. All the preparation is worth it and I look forward for the night, I will post pictures of the devo later see ay soon. Mary
Posted by mary at 1:58 PM 4 friendly comments
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Being 40 Is Great
Look how the Bakery spelled my name (Publix) Marry, now I think this person needs to take some spelling classes. The cake was beautiful and was very fresh. The party was a blast and I want to thank all of you for helping with my party, each and everyone of you made this a very special birthday party.
Just look at these decorations. I just love this. I took lots of pictures here. For some reason I was very nervous tonight I know some of you will find this hard to believe but I do not like to be the center of atttention. Now those of you who know me will probable be laughing right now because of this last statement but it is the truth. ha.
Look at my new style. Phyllis got me this and the shoes are great. I love Phyllis she is always so uplifting and fun to be around, she is smiling all of the time. Thanks Phyllis.
Look at my cute little family. Billy had gotten most people to dress old for my party for fun and as you see they did. My daughter seems to think when you get old you will have black under your eyes and wrinkles on your forehead she had put black eyeshadow on her face. Just tell me who looks the best here? Me, Me Me.
Addi was the cutest thing she had on a old dress and had sprayed gray in her hair, she wore a hat and had on glasses that hung on her nose, she was so proud and I am so proud of her. Addi is so special to me I will always be here for her so she can make our life fun and never boring. She always makes us happy.
Hey look at this goodlooking guy, Levi He has the most sweetest smile ever. I love being around Levi even though I am not around him that much I love him with all my heart and I would do anything for him, he makes me feel good the way when he sees you he runs to you and makes you feel so special like your the only one in the world right then. I love you Levi. You make life fun.
Look at this handsome guy, Alex makes a cute old man. Alex brings such joy and fun in whatever he does. He is the best son ever. I am proud of my baby ha just look at him bloggers I know yall are all proud of him to, everyone needs a son like him. hahahah. I love the old man look. Thanks for everything Alex.
I do not know what is going on in this picture, as you can see Alex is acting and I am trying not to act. For some reason I was the only one who looked young at my party. Now I felt great. Girls a little advice when you turn 40 have everyone dress old and you will feel very pretty and young.lol.
Just look at Daniel doesnt he look OOLLLDDD! This was fun fun fun. We had lots of food and everyone had the best time just being with each other that is the best part. The gifts to me are not that important to me the most important is being with my friends, church friends they make me happy and make me feel great, friends like them never send to astray especially the ones I hang with they will do anything for anyone and that is the way christians should be. Thanks Daniel and Mandi. Love you Mary.
Jusl look at my daughter who thinks old people should have dark eyes and wrinkles on the forehead and rollers in your hair, I have never wore rollers like that in my head. She also wore her pink gown for who knows where. Jasmine makes my life fun my children are the greatest but all people think their children are the best. I am proud of her for working hard and helping pay for her car that doesn't run half of the time and when it is running , you can walk faster than it goes. She is a g reat Christian Girl which is the most important of anything.
Now this is a goodlooking group of OLD MEN even the young men look old just look at Joey right next to me with the shorts on and all bent over, this is the greatest, thank you all for dressing up and making me look great. I had the best time. Everyone this is my church family see you can have lots of fun being with your christian family or at least I do. Thank all of you for this.
now people you know I would have to have the women I think the women make prettier old people than the men at least we are not bent over except for Amy in the blue moomoo. I don't know what I was doing in this picture I guess by this time I was tired of pictures. Thanks again ladies for making me look beautiful.lololol. This is one special group of friends thanks for all you do for me mentally and physically. Yall have seen me when I am down and helped pick me up and seen me when I was sad and helped me laugh you are all the best friends ever.
I have the best husband and family and friends ever. Billy didn't decorate in all black he did it in purple and green and blue and it was great. When I was young I didn't have a birthday party ever but you know what I didn't feel deprived, my mom and dad always told me happy birthday and I love you and that was always enough for me I always felt special, yes I love the gifts but that isn't everything. What means the most to me is God, don't know what I would do. My husband and friends worked hard to pull off my party and I appreciate it so much, there were many more at my party that I didn't post their picture I just want you to know how grateful I am for all the nice gifts and food, and for taking the time to decorate thanks to Billy and Addi. They worked hard on the decorations. Addi did a great job keeping everything a secret, I tried to drill her and she shut down on me and would not say a word she was not going to ruin any surprises. Thanks to everyone. Mary
Posted by mary at 9:00 PM 4 friendly comments
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Life as it is today.
Today is a sad day, because of the Nabors family and the Yeilding family. I just want all of you to know that I am here praying for you all and you will not only be in my thoughts today but days to come. Losing someone you love so much is such a loss, it changes your life in a lot of ways but when that person is a christian it does make it easier for you. This isn't about me but I hope this will help those who have lost loved ones some. I lost my mom which was my best friend, we spent so much time together especially at the end of her life, my mom was a great christian person brought all of us up in the church and taught us right from wrong, the night she passed was not only the saddest day of my life but it was also the happiest. I know when my mom left she was already in heaven with her loved ones. The persons I called were my church family they were there in no time, I do not know what I would have done without my church family. I think my mom had the most beautiful funeral ever. There was no question about it I had to have the church sing, the singing was out of this world, it was so nice knowing that this was a special moment because everything that was said was so true about her. The only thing that helps me get out of bed everyday is I KNOW THAT I WILL SEE HER ONE DAY AND IT WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE.Death is not really a sad day it is a day to be thankful for because there is nothing like knowing your loved one is in heaven. I Love you all and I hope to do more for my church family and others.
Posted by mary at 2:53 PM 0 friendly comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
My sister is the best sister ever.
I have the best sister in the whole world, her name is Pam and I love her so much. We have always been very close to each other and got even closer when our mom was very ill. We laughed together and cried together. My sister is fun because when we were children she let me put a hot roller to her nose and yes it did put a huge blister on the tip of her nose, I laughed and still laugh occasionally. But she did get me back years later heres how when we lived in Woodlawn she came up behind me and hit me in the head (hard) with a high heel shoe and she still laughs about that, I did eventually laugh after the pain subsided. Also one day our mom was taking me to school and I didn't shut the door good and when mom took off she looked back and guess what she saw Pam holding onto the backdoor, with the door wide open and she was hollering for her dear life, it is funny now but then it scared mom to death of course I didn't know about it till after school so i thought it was another funny moment.
I am so proud of her, I am excited about my nephew coming in November. Leroy (haha) will have the best mom ever, I am there for her and my nephew to come. Pam you are never alone I am here for you. Thanks for looking at my blog, keep watching because pictures of you might pop up soon.
Posted by mary at 8:38 PM 6 friendly comments
Addi with her Super Cape
Billy made her a super cape and her bear had to have one to. They both have super power. Addi is sitting here at my house watching Americas got talent and when George Bush came on she just burst out into the funniest laugh we had ever heard. She is so full of life and lots of fun, fun, fun.
Posted by mary at 8:25 PM 0 friendly comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
My wedding Pictures been married 20years
I am sorry that some of the photos are blurry. But i got an idea from another blogger that she took pictures of a picture so I thought "I am going to do that. Just look at the Couringtons they are all so cute, the children are all grown up now and married and some have kids of their own.
This is a pretty clear picture of me and my dad, he was so sweet he had just told me "you know you don't have to do this" He was just kidding because he loves Billy he was just being silly.
This picture is so special to me, this is my mom and dad I love them so much. I miss my mom so much and think of her everyday. She was beautiful inside and out. Sorry this picture is blurry, but I just had to put it on my page.
Posted by mary at 7:40 PM 6 friendly comments
hope you feel better
I just found out that Pam had Gallbladder surgery. I am praying for her to get well soon. You know we never know where we will be one minute to the next. Here's a little advice live each and every day as it is your last. By the way everyone we found one more puppy today so instead of 4 we have 5 and we are still missing one she originally had 6. Yea us.
Posted by mary at 1:53 PM 2 friendly comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
Ok I just checked it again and what I did earlier worked, Boy this blogging is confusing but I am learning.
Posted by mary at 5:20 PM 1 friendly comments
Lost It
Hello everyone I was viewing my blog and I noticed that I had posted the many faces of Alex twice, but the funny thing is I don't know how to delete one of them, so suffer through the pictures of Alex. Paul if you can help me just delete one of them for me. Thank you so much, it is real nice having an emergency blog person to call for help. Mary
Posted by mary at 5:18 PM 1 friendly comments
new addition to our family
Hey everyone look what we have. They were born 3 days ago. and the funny thing about this is we didn't even know she was pregnant until the day before she had them. Yes, we do see our dog everyday. Alex feeds Cocoa (the mommy) and takes her for walks. The mommy is part great Pyrenese and I don't know what the other part is, the daddy is full Pyrenese and he is huge he is solid white. I don't think the puppies will be as big as the daddy her first litter the puppy was not very big about as big as the mommy.
The below picture is of the mommy, she is kid friendly and loves to play.
Posted by mary at 4:58 PM 1 friendly comments
Many faces of Alex
Posted by mary at 4:19 PM 1 friendly comments
Addi and Levi and Kim
This has been several years ago but I thought hey I don't have any pictures of Levi I have got to do better and get some recent pictures of him. I love him so much he is precious. and full of energy this is a very rare moment for him to tucker out like this he was wore out.
Posted by mary at 4:04 PM 0 friendly comments
Pams housewarming party
Here is Pam, we are so excited for her and her new residence. Pam is a hard worker and is always giving of herself. She is always smiling and happy. We wish you lots of happiness and hope to soon have a party at your house with lots of food and fun. I want to sit in the chairs and at the table outside and enjoy your beautiful backyard.
She got 2 of these what a nice gift. Pam was so slow at opening her presents that we found someone to help her, they had a hard time pulling this present out of the bag, after a few minutes the present was out of the bag.
Posted by mary at 1:38 PM 1 friendly comments
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Youth just hanging out at the lock in
Just look how happy they are. Steven is just give out and it isn't real late yet.Everyone else is just so happy to be there and happy to be staying up all night. Now let me ask those of you who are reading this, "What do they get out of staying up all night?" I just don't get it I guess it is a young thing. Just look at Sydney and Alex how happy they look and I was thinking what is wrong with them it is to late to look this happy. They have been friends all their life and I hope they continue to be friends forever. My friends church friends are their best friends. They always have such a fun time together. Glad your back Sydney, you know what i am talking about. haha
Posted by mary at 8:25 PM 3 friendly comments