Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Parrish VBS 2007

Alex is acting like he is standing on the Titanic. This boat was set up on the hill at Parrish Church of Christ. Their them was Pirates of the Carribean, they always have the best Bible School and we always have a great time.

As you look to the left of the screen you will see my precious Addi, she is the sweetest girl in the world, she is going to be a strong christian girl one day she loves to go to church and sing all the fun songs and go to all of the different classes.

Sorry the picture is so dark but I just had to put this one on also they were part of our group that went to VBS and I did not want to leave anyone out. Look at Addi her smile is always vibrant, she is such a happy girl and wonderful to be around, she will keep you in stitches.

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